I'm running a wiki using MediaWiki, and when I search for a page the results are clogged with redirects from various capitalization redirects to a page when I only want the result page to appear in search.

Although I want the redirects, is there a way to prevent them from appearing in the search results?

1 Answer 1


MediaWiki used to have an option for suppressing redirects pages from search, but it was removed in version 1.23. From their search API documentation:

srredirects: Include redirect pages in the search. From 1.23 onwards, redirects are always included. (Default: false) (removed in 1.23)

  • Do you know of any extensions that could achieve the same effect? Also, the pages I want to hide all share the same category, so is there a way I can exclude a specific category instead? Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:25

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