Let's say I have a site listing a bunch of different products, hovering over each product brings up a "view more" tab, but not as an image, a div with text link...
<div class="tabbed-content">
<section class="brand-profile">
<a href="http://www.company.com/en/cooldrinks/coke" class="img-link"><img src="/docs/coke.jpg" alt=""></a>
<div class="content">
<h3><a href="http://www.company.com/en/cooldrinks/coke">Coke</a></h3>
<a href="http://http://www.company.com/en/cooldrinks/coke" class="paragraph"></a>
<a href="http://www.company.com/en/cooldrinks/coke" class="more">View More</a>
</div><!-- /.content -->
</section><!-- /.profile -->
Now this code is repeated for all products. But while product names differ, the "view more" is repeated over and over. I did a keyword analysis on the site, and it shows the word "view" (since it's text) as a keyword with 18% density, which could be close to spam. Would Google (and other search engines) penalise the site for the high density of a term such as "view" or "view more"? Would it be better to use, or would it work, a or just for each "View more" piece of text?