A year has gone missing from my domains. What can I do to get it back?
Here is the complete history (I have assumed abc.com and xyz.in as the domain names as I do not want to disclose my own domain names)
abc.com and xyz.in were registered on November 2012 via a reseller of Webiq
On November 2013, I was notified about the expiration of these two domains. When I contacted my reseller explaining that I would like to transfer the domains to GoDaddy he told that I was to renew them in order to transfer. So
abc.com and xyz.in were renewed on November 2013 via the same reseller of Webiq
I had started the transfers via GoDaddy to whom I paid a minimal fee (and they even offered 1 addition year for each domain on the renewal)
On 17th November 2013 abc.com got transferred from Webiq to Godaddy. The records showed it's valid till 11/05/2015
on 18th January 2014 xyz.in got transferred from Webiq to GoDaddy. The records showed it's valid till 11/3/2016
Two weeks ago from today when I logged into my cpanel it notified that my domain was getting expired soon and that I renew it. This was surprising because it's supposed to be valid till 11/05/2015 but both my domains seemed to show one year lesser now! On contacting GoDaddy they requested that I contact my old registrar as the one missing one year must've been because of them
When I tried submitting a support request to Webiq whether they cancelled it, they replied:
Your domain "abc.com" has been transferred away from us on 17-11-2013 and the domain "xyz.in" was transferred away from us on 18-01-2014. There are no order cancellation actions placed. If you have any billing related issues kindly contact your parent reseller.
GoDaddy has now made me aware of something called the 45-day rule which clearly states that I am to get a refund for the renewal as the old registrar (webiq) would have gained this refund regardless of whether they made a refund or not!
I found the details of this in this link >> Transfer of Recently Renewed Domains