I'm working on a website which uses /news/title-of-news-article--111.html (111 = unique ID of the news article). I was thinking it might be a good idea to have some form of a caching system for the news articles.
Essentially, my idea would be to have a .html version of the news article (i.e. just the news part that's dynamically generated) be created when it was marked live (making it so visitors and search engines can see it). The .php script that displays the content would check to see if a .html file with the news id exists, and would use that instead of querying the database. Of course, if the .html file didn't exists for some reason, it would fall back to querying the database like the site currently does now.
Any issues you guys see with that approach? This is meant more for when a ton of visitors view a news article, since ideally I'd assume grabbing a "static" .html file is better on the server and the database than querying.