I was wondering if it's possible to let bots match two groups of User-Agent: blocks.

I have this block of robots.txt

User-Agent: AhrefsBot   # https://ahrefs.com/robot/
Crawl-Delay: 5

User-agent: *
Disallow: /error.php
Disallow: /cron.php
... and many more rules ...

Now, I wonder if AhrefsBot will now respect the crawl-delay and also respect the rules in user-agent:*? If not, then I'd have to duplicate everything under user-agent:* which would be quite unhandy.

1 Answer 1


Once an User-Agent is mentioned generally it only reads the rules mentioned below it. Most possibly AhrefsBot will not respect rules in user-agent:* and you need to duplicate the rules. Here is example from twitter and facebook robots.txt to support my opinion. They have duplicated rules for all bot specifically mentioned. https://twitter.com/robots.txt https://www.facebook.com/robots.txt

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