I'm working on a video hosting website and I'm wondering how my embeded code would affect my seo rank
youtube and almost all, major video hosting websites are useing iframe as their embedded code, some of them are using "player" sub domain so, I thought it will be a good practice using player subdomain as things may change in the future.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//player.mywebsite.com/embed/Bp222aodrVg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In my case player.mywebsite.com is actually an CNAME(alias) for mywebsite.com.
will player.mywebsite.com effect the rank of mywebsite.com?
Google tries to associate framed content with the page containing the frames, but we don't guarantee that we will.
There are lot of reports to confirm that content in iFrames can be indexed.