I have a website which used to have 22.000 pages with near duplicate content. Of course, this has become a Panda issue. These pages are now gone from my site and the Google index.
I have decided to simplify the 22.000 pages into a unique page with a query parameter which can take 22.000 values. Due to some category pages and a proper link structure, Google can reach this page in 22.000 different ways.
Of course, this still makes 22.000 different URLs. In order to solve this issue, I have set the page with a canonical URL.
I don't want to spam Google index, but I need to server my customers too.
My question is: can someone confirm that making my unique page - called 22.000 times with different parameter values - canonical is a proper solution to my near duplicate content issue? If not, how should I solve it?
Here is what I mean by being called 22.000 times:
In the product_descr.html
page, I have:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.mysite.com/product_descr.html"/>
Update II
I found some Google documentation confirming that canonical is a solution.