Many sites embed Google maps at the bottom of the page as you may be aware, while I don't normally do it myself I've been tasked with the job. I've proceeded with the lazy route of embedding the iframe at the bottom of the page.
However I've noticed that the page speed has increased while from 0.85secs load time to 1.95secs thanks to an additional 59 requests sent though the iframe
, totaling around 370kb/sec. While 1.95sec for many will be more than acceptable but for me I like things super fast and if there's a way I can shed the time off, then awesome.
So my question is simple, is the API any faster? I have no idea, I've never used it but if anything using can they report if its A) faster and B) cut downs server side requests.
It's worth mentioning that Google maps is at the bottom of the page so the rest of the page does render without any problems. The other thing I can think of speeding this up is just to serve a static file as a map and then have them click it - but client is insisting that Google maps on all pages with schema mark up of address improves SEO. Not going to agru with the chap, far to hot for that bananas :P.