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How does google calculate bounce rate?
I hosted a new site and used google analytics in it. I noticed that they're giving a value called bounce off rate. Can anyone explain what it it?
Possible Duplicate:
How does google calculate bounce rate?
I hosted a new site and used google analytics in it. I noticed that they're giving a value called bounce off rate. Can anyone explain what it it?
Bounce Rate, specifically the Bounce Rate Metric in Google Analytics, is the percentage of single-page visits to total visits of a certain Dimension. <---read this article, then read what google has to say about it. Then use the help center in the lower left-hand corner of your analytics page to learn how to use analytics.
It basically tells you what percentage of your visitors are “bouncing” away after landing on your site (e.g., they just visit one page and leave before clicking on to a second page inside your site).
Check Out it will give you clear picture: http://beyondgood.in/1308/bounce-rates-in-google-analytics/