I've just finished a new version of my website but now I don't know how to generate a correct sitemap.
Now the website is based on PHP files and folder and in blog folder there is Wordpress.
This is ho my tree structure looks like:

and so on...

On Wordpress I can generate the sitemap automatically but how can I include the others link like about.php etc.?
Thank you so much for your help!

2 Answers 2


You can generate Wordpress sitemap automatically - in /blog/ folder.

Periodically and manually you can make sitemap for your site at http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ if you do not update it so often.

That is simple solution, and the problem is: in your "site sitemap" will be links from your site + links from your blog.

If you have dedicated server, try Google Sitemap Generator, but be careful - periodically download and review links in sitemap. Google Sitemap Generator can include 404 links but I do not why, I just removed it.


There are plenty of sites/tools that can be used to generate sitemaps for you. These can be used on any site - one created manually or one created by a CMS such as Wordpress.

I won't recommend one as a) each one has it's merits and b) what's a good one now won't necessary be the "best" in a few months or years time.

Google has one in it's Webmaster Tools - which is probably as good as any, but I don't know whether it can cope with a mixed site.

A search for "sitemap generator" will bring back a list of others.

  • Thanks but should I have one sitemap for wordpress and one for the rest of the site or only one sitemap with all the links?
    – matteodv
    Commented Aug 25, 2012 at 19:44
  • @matteodv - You should really only have one sitemap. There should be one of these tools that can work with a mixed site. I'll make that clear in the answer.
    – ChrisF
    Commented Aug 25, 2012 at 19:45

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