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What is PageRank and how do I get it?

I am blogging since last june and got alxea rank for my site many days before... But I still dont get it that how to get Google PageRank for my site hosted on Google Blogger ?

  • FYI, your site gives a 403 Forbidden error right now. Also, doing a site: search for your domain shows that, while Google has indexed some of your pages, they all have the same meta description, thus search snippet. You probably want to switch to a CMS that lets you specify unique meta descriptions for each page. Also, for some reason the SERP thumbnail of each page is some cpanel webhost with a dragon on their homepage. Lastly, you might try using coherent alt text for your article images instead of just a list of keywords, which might be misinterpreted as keyword stuffing. Commented Jan 22, 2012 at 11:06

1 Answer 1


Use the Google Analytic to get the page ranks and get the info of your site visitors.

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