After setting up a blog at I added the site to my webmasters tools of google.
I noticed an error: "Restricted by robots.txt" and looked a little into the matter. I found in the robots.txt of blogspot that Google prevents the /search directory by default in order to avoid duplicate entries in their search engine. As tags can be found under /search/label/SOME_TAG, these are not indexed too.
I run different sites, especially one is an important e-commerce site for me. For each product, we use tags. Each tags leads to a separate site like /tags/tag1/ and lists all products that are linked to this tag.
And this leads me to my question:
Should I also block search and/or tag pages on my sites by using robots.txt?
I feel google might punish my pagerank/results for using this "low-quality" content. However I think they are quite useful. We provide a short description of each tag and how the listed products can be used for the problem the tag describes.
Moreover users landing on tags-pages have very high bounce rates (>90%), which is far above the average bounce rate.
So, what is the best practice?