What types of URL structures exist, and how do they impact search engine rankings?

I'm interested in understanding the best practices for creating URLs that are optimized for SEO, especially in the context of 2024. Specifically, I would like to explore the following aspects:

Flat Structure Hierarchical Parameter-Based Structure

Can you share examples of websites that have particularly effective URL structures?

1 Answer 1


If there was a best, everone would be doing it. The structure of the url has a very tine effect, if any, on SEO. Just dont make it convoluted.

  • Use a url struture that makes it easy for users.
  • Use internal paths to make it easy to organise code.
  • Then rewrite or map one to the other.

A non parameterized url

  • Is easier for the user to follow, generally.
  • Can make it easier to detect illegal or incorrect urls

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