Few days ago I have added gTag manager to one of my project and added a code to track number of click that button received. So I have 4 categories button and each named as alpha, beta, gamma, theta.
function trackCategoryClick(category) {
gtag('event', 'click', {
'event_category': 'Book Button',
'event_label': category,
This is the code. So here the category variable holds the name alpha, beta, gamma and theta.
when I check in google Analytics 4
- Go to Reports
- Go to Business Objective
- Go to examine user behaviour
- Then go to Events
Under Events, I can see Number of list under Event Name column such as
- Page_view
- click
- Scroll
- User_engagement
- Session_start
- First_visit
I chose Click and I can see that how many times user has clicked on alpha, beta and other button in the right box. But it says that data is for last 30 mins. I need to see the same thing for a month. How many times alpha, beta and other button has been clicked in a month period of time.