My website domain is going to be routed through CloudFlare then to the Host.
for the Email, for support and contact, I will use a seperate Email Host provider, (for [email protected] and [email protected]), do I need to route this through cloudflare then to the provider or can the DNS be directly to the email host. Is their any security flaws with having the website through cloudflare and email host without cloudflare direct?
additionally, I plan to have automatic emails sent from a service for verification codes when users sign up, and also automatic emails sent when specific statuses in the database change (eg, status for a payment is Complete, sends a email using a template and the amount that we sent, or if their is an error in their payment), these emails will be sent from eg [email protected]. How does this work regarding if I use one host provider for email then a automated service, but sending from the same domains.