I run a small website that averages about 500 hits a day. About once a month I have a day where I see a spike of 5,000 in GA4. When looking closer, the traffic would appear to be a bot using a VPN service as the location changes after about 50-100 hits. This traffic will typically last several hours. Additionally, all of the traffic requests for these hits are to the homepage of the website and the sessions last 7-8 minutes.
I'm running a WordPress site hosted at InMotion, WordFence plugin for security, along with the free version of Cloudflare for proxying and basic firewall protection. However, Cloudflare shows less than 500 "requests" in their traffic logs during the same periods.
First, why does Cloudflare show a different number of hits than GA4? Secondly, is there some configuration I need to do in Cloudflare to eliminate this traffic?