I am currently creating a website and because i am a total nooby in SEO i have some questions regarding the Keyword / Site structure of the Startpage.
Lets say my Website is about Reiki and courses i offer.The Startpage / url has the name Reiki and different sections that contain the short form of the text for the subpages.
For example:
"What is Reiki" section with short text about Reiki with a button that links to the "What is Reiki subpage" where everything will be explained in a more detailed way and for a better chance to rank for the Keyword "Reiki"
"What can Reiki do for me" section with short text about the benefits of doing Reiki with a link to "Benefits-Of-Reiki page
"About me" section which links to the "About Me Page" which tells more about me and how i got to reiki.
So if the home page is about Reiki in general and for example should present the user the subpages where he can get more details (What is Reiki, Benefits of Reiki, About me), it seems quite difficult not to use the same keywords that were used on the home page, especially if these are the keywords with the highest search volume. From my understanding it would be a problem to use some of the same keywords in the subpages that were already used on the startpage. So what would be the best way to structure the page?