I am using Google Analytics- Universal Analytics property, and using a custom dimension "UserName" (Scope = User). I am trying to view all pages/ page URLS a particular user has travelled in the website. I am trying to filter using the "UserName" custom Dimension in Behaviors -> Site Content ---> All pages.
This particular user whom I am filtering has done some activity on some dates and in other dates no activity.
For example - Sept 1st and Sept 2nd he has visited some pages, other dates like Aug 30, Aug 31 no visits.
When I am trying to see the page view -- by filtering this user in Custom Dimension - When I select the dates specifically which he has done activity data is displayed in the graph and table.
When I select random date range -- which is a combination of (activity dates and no activity dates), data is not displayed in the table - shows No data but in the graph above data is shown. Attached the Image.
How to proceed with this issue ? Is this an issue for GA side ?