I implemented a location
configuration like this (legituser
is set by a map lookup):
location / {
if ($legituser = 0) {
return 200 "you are not allowed to access this url, please do bla bla bla ...";
more_set_headers "Content-Type: $arg_mimetype";
root /media/s3content;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
Remark: I know that http status might seem odd in this scenario but I want to make sure the users get proper information and in the real scenario the return contains much more than shown here.
If the user is legit, I want to return files that are stored on S3. The Content-Type
needs to be overwritten by the value of ...?mimetype=...
which I do by using more_set_headers
This works quite well, except when I'm not legit and open for example http://server/some/path/somefile?mimetype=image/png
. Then I get a png file which consists of only the text sent by return
It became clear to me that return
doesn't work like return
in a programming language like Java and doesn't exit the location block.
In a programming language I would do something like this:
if( legituser == 0 ) {
setMimeType( "text/html" );
return( 200, "you are not ..." );
} else {
setMimeType( $arg_mimetype );
try_files ...
But this is not how nginx works and I'm absolutely not sure if I'm running into the usual problem if using if in a evil way.
Would this work and be "OK" / proper style ?
set $ct $arg_mimetype;
if( $legituser = 0 ) {
set $ct 'text/html';
more_set_headers "Content-Type: $ct";
if( $legituser = 0 ) {
return 200 "you are not ...";
root /media/s3content;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
and you do aset