I have several unhosted .com and 1 .net domains registered 2 years ago and expiring soon which I wouldn't like to keep with the current registrar dynadot.com. The domains will expire on 07.12, and on 06.11 I scheduled them for deletion (as it takes 30 days for the registrar to delete a non-expired domain), though generally would like to keep them for future, but the time when I will actually begin working on them is uncertain.
I queried the registrar how can I prevent the domains to be released into an auction. Per their Terms of Service (which I didn't read on purchase) they release only the expired domains to an auction. As my domains are not expired yet, but scheduled to deletion, and on domain expiry date they should already be deleted, they should not be put into an auction. The registrar told that even after a domain was deleted in a regular order (during a 30 day deletion period prior to domain expiry date) the registry (Verisign) does not actually delete the domain name (it's record) and may sort of actively release it somehow. Can I do anything so that after the deletion period the domains won't be repurchasable for anyone but me? (At least the 2 .com domain names which are sort of unique i.e. for which there are no already purchased same domain names with a different extension). Can I somehow use Ethereum Name System for this?
The registrar told that several days before the end of their 30 day "deletion period" (i.e. several days before 07.11-12) I can still renew the domains scheduled for deletion. Would you advice to renew the domains which have been registered thus long ago (for maybe some advantages in Google search which may prioritize older domains)? Generally I would repurchase them in the future, but this lousy registrar doesn't provide any means for securing the domain names (irrespective of their extension) as some sort of intellectual property.
The domains were unhosted during these 2 years and very few people know about them, so they shouldn't have gotten much traffic.