I have a blog that has around 30 posts and over 5K hits per month. Trying to get approved with adsense, I keep getting "No Content". How can I debug the cause of this?

Other questions about this received an answer about an HTTP canonical URL, which is not the case here, as it's https only.

The blog is: https://www.learningsomethingnew.com/

1 Answer 1


30 pages isn't enough to get approved for AdSense. To get approved for AdSense you need:

  • 50 pages of original content
  • A clean design
    • make it clear what the site is about
    • make sure the content on each page is front and center
    • include obvious navigation to the various pages (Reviewers may fail the review after viewing just the home page unless they see navigation to 50 pages from the home page)
  • Plenty of text (Several hundred words per page minimum is recommended)
  • A contact page
  • An about us page
  • A privacy policy
  • Have owned and operated your site for a year

Make sure you submit your canonical URL. I've seen AdSense reviews rejected for no content because http://example.com/ was submitted when the site actually uses HTTPS. The same goes for www vs no-www.

5K hits per month isn't enough to make any money with AdSense. At most you could make a few dollars per month. It could take you many months or years to reach the $100 payment threshold. So don't sweat not getting approved right away, you aren't missing much. Grow your site more first.

  • Thanks Stephen, any references as to how you know this?
    – syonip
    Commented Apr 26, 2020 at 13:32
  • 1
    Google's official stance is that there is no "set minimum" policy. However, people in various forums have had problems getting in with fewer than 50 pages. This is advice I have given in the past: webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/121933/… Commented Apr 26, 2020 at 15:40
  • I've been an AdSense publisher myself for years, so I have experience with the revenue per thousand page views (RPM): it will typically be up to $2 per thousand visitors (but has the potential to be much lower than that depending on the type of visitor, the site niche, and the amount of ad optimization you've done.) Commented Apr 26, 2020 at 15:43

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