Attempting to follow

I currently work for a company that dynamically serves content based on the user agent. However, it is not divided by subdomain such as:

  • example.com
  • m.example.com

Rather it is served as:

  • example.com
  • example.com/mobile/

Does this still qualify as an "m-dot" site?

1 Answer 1


You have a mobile site that uses separate URLs. That is in the same category as m-dot sites, but your site doesn't use a mobile subdomain, it uses a mobile subdirectory.

From Google's mobile SEO overview, the three types of mobile designs are:

  • Responsive Web Design
  • Dynamic Serving
  • Separate URLs

Having a /mobile/ subdirectory puts your site in the "Separate URLs" category. Because an m-dot website is also "Separate URLs", any m-dot advice is likely going to apply to your website as well.

The reason that Google calls the category "separate URLs" and says "sometimes known as m-dot" is because there are other ways to make separate URLs other than a m. mobile subdomain. In your case you have a subdirectory. It is possible to use URL parameters like ?mobile=true. You could use a different subdomain such as phones.example.com instead of m.example.com. In any case, all the m-dot advice applies to you and I would recommend using the term "separate URLs site" rather than "m-dot site".

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