1- Send data to the dataLayer
First step is to let GTM know that the form was submitted correctly. For that, you can use a custom dataLayer.push() into the callback function which is invoked upon a successful form submission. It could be like that:
function onFormSuccess(event) {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: 'formSubmissionSuccess',
formId: 'contactForm'
// Rest of the success callback code
2- Create a custom trigger for the form
Next step will be to create a trigger in GTM for the formSubmissionSuccess
event. For that, we need to use:
- Type: Custom event
- Event name: formSubmissionSuccess
- Fires on: All custom events
3- Record the success
Final step is to create a tag with the action we want. It will be executed with the previous trigger. For example, we could create a Google Analytics tag to record the action as an event.