I always use two or more unique images (photos/infographics) along with content on my pages. I understand they help with user experience. But apart from that, is there any SEO benefit? Specifically, is there any on-page SEO benefit? Do the images add to content quality on Google's eyes?
(I am not speaking about off page benefits like those from links that images get themselves if someone shares the images somewhere.)
Update: I am copying my comment to one of the answers so everyone can see.
One would accept in-depth content is more authoritative than shallow content. On similar lines should I not expect indepth-content with unique images to have competitive advantage over indepth-content without images? (Given all other factors are same)
tag helps to provide contextual relevancy as well as potentially improving CTRs? I mention the latter, with the view of the implementation of a Schema. An effective image(s) use, will offer search engines a greater choice of images, to display in search results, when looking to match user intent.