I'm designing a new site, deciding whether to keep the bulk of the content for each page in a text file, with just the file name in a database record for that page, or to keep the entire text in the database record as a string. The text is typically a few hundred to a few thousand words, with embedded markup to include photos or whatever, to be processed in PHP before being sent out as html.
I don't find enough enlightening discussion of this design choice online. What are the pros and cons of each way?
The advantage of text files, I imagine, is easy access to the file by ftp or other means, making fixing typos or editing the material easy w/o having to fuss with the database at all.
OTOH, keeping it directly in the db means I won't have to bother learning how to read text files in PHP 8P Seriously, what implications are there for maintaining the site, security, efficiency, and aspects I'm not thinking of?