We have a News website in dual language Bengali and English version. Recently, we propose to developer team to add meta title tags and they added meta title tags in HTML code as default News title. For example News title is "UNICEF gravely concerned over state of children in Rakhine" and Meta title is "UNICEF gravely concerned over state of children in Rakhine - Example News" They just use News Name at the ending of Meta Title Tags. It's default because we can't edit it from HTML coding. They didn't keep any option to edit or customize the Meta Title.
Meta Title Tags doesn't show in Browser Tabs Pop-up just News Title is showing at Browser Tabs Pop-up and when we search through News title in Google Search Engine that time only showing the News Title not Meta Title Tags at SERPs.
<meta name="title" content="UNICEF gravely concerned over state of children in Rakhine - Example News"/>
And also I have seen some reputed News site's they don't use any Meta Title in HTML coding. They just use News title.
Now my questions are:
- How much important is to use Meta title at News Site?
- Which method is using the developer team is this right or wrong?
- If I don't use Meta Title as a separate Tags is there any harm to SEO?
I think that we are doing wrong. At this time what can I do?