In a webserver, which component handles the translation of URL parameters to the $_GET global variable?

Is that a module in PHP engine, or a module of the web server (Apache, Nginx)?

I'm asking because since I'm not using GET (only POST/ meaningfull links where parameters are already part of the link), I was searching for a way to disable $_GET in order to avoid someone use it accidentally.

The final goal is not to block the HTTP's GET method, but just to disable/remove the logic that read URL's parameters and translate these into PHP's $_GET.

If possible I want to remove physically (erasing the module file) modules that handle this. If not I want to set that option both in PHP and Webserver (in case there's some GET's logic in both packages).

  • 1
    "... in order to avoid someone use it accidentally." - Who is "someone"; another developer?
    – MrWhite
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:01
  • Yes of course. ^^ another couple developers. Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:01
  • We are doing a custom plugin for apache/2 and nginx for a "microserver". We are getting rid of / disabling useless stuff. Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:04
  • "since I'm not using GET" - I think you mean "URL parameters" (aka GET parameters - which is what the $_GET superglobal refers to)? Can you please clarify. Or are you literally only accepting POST requests?
    – MrWhite
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:15
  • I'm referring to URL parameters, (otherwise we would not be able to show any static webpage ^^). We want stop translating the parameters. Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:17

2 Answers 2


GET/POST are HTTP headers that either request/send data. These are handled by the server initially and are part of the standard HTTP request methods.

To do this in Apache, at the top of your domain config:

<Limit GET>
deny from all

You can test which methods are available by sending an OPTIONS request to the server. This should return all the possible methods accepted on the server end.

Edit: New answer since the question has been changed.

The PHP module in Apache can be disabled but then you can't parse PHP files. What you're looking to do is prevent the use of Query strings. The answer here is to rewrite them before they're passed on when the PHP file is parsed and run. You'll want to configure Apache to drop query strings with a rewrite:

RewriteEngine    On
RewriteCond      %{QUERY_STRING}    *.
RewriteRule      (.*)               $1?     [R=permanent]
  • Thanks, I think there's also some logic to be disabled in PHP, the part that translates ?name=Hannes to $_GET["name"] Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:06
  • 1
    <Limit GET>deny from all</Limit> - will simply block all GET requests, ie. all regular HTTP requests! The $_GET PHP superglobal refers only to the query string, which is what the OP appears to be referring to. (?)
    – MrWhite
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:10
  • Ops in hurry mis-readed the amswer. We don't want to block GET (otherwise we would block all pages ^^). We want to get rid of the logic that translate url parameters. We don't need them, and if possible we want to get rid of modules Handling that translation (still too early to customize the webserver build, we just want to work from installation configuration, for now). Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:19
  • Then use a rewrite module in Apache - to remove the query strings?
    – L Martin
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:27

The $_GET PHP superglobal is set by PHP when it parses the URL's query string (request headers) made available through Apache. As far as I know you can not prevent PHP from doing this.

However, you can reset this variable at the top of your script. eg. $_GET = Array();

And neither can you prevent Apache from parsing the URL / query string. This is intrinsic to any webserver. Apache only parses out the query string as a whole, it does not separate it into URL parameters - that is what the server-side language parser does (PHP in this case).

The best you can do is either block requests that contain a query string or redirect to the canonical URL (since the user can always append a query string to the request).

For example, to block requests (ie. send a 403 Forbidden) that contain a query string, in your server config using mod_rewrite on Apache:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} .
RewriteRule ^ - [F]

Or, to redirect to the same URL, less the query string

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} .
RewriteRule ^ %{REQUEST_URI}? [R=301,L]

On Apache 2.4 you can use the QSD param to Discard the Query String instead of appending a ? to the end of the RewriteRule substitution. ie. RewriteRule ^ %{REQUEST_URI} [QSD,R=301,L].

By removing the query string from the request then the PHP $_GET superglobal will naturally be empty.

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