I have a question regarding Adsense policies.I asked a similar question on the google Adsense forum and did not get a satisfactory reply, hence I am asking it here.
The thing is that I want to start a Job Board site.
The site will have listings of job along with recuitment date and vacancies and other relevant stuff.
As you can imagine my site will have some of the content that will be similar to other sites in the category. Meaning that if my site has a listing for a particular job there will be some other site with the same content.
If that happens can I get content strike by doing that?
Asking the same question on google forum for AdSense I got a reply saying that
to be in the good books of Adsense the site must have content that adds value to the user.
That to me is pretty vague.
The reply was from a reputed member of the forum.
So I replied by asking
if that is the case then are a ton of site that are doing what I want to do for years and years.
To which I got a reply saying that
You would be risking you Adsense account if you do it. The people who are doing this are walking a very thin line.
I want to ask the same question here. But also I want to ask that if such sites are "not adding any value" and hence "not AdSense worthy", they why is google not banning them.
Kindly provide some info in this regard along with links to more information if possible.
PS: I am well aware of copyright and plagiarism that goes on in the web world and I do not wish to create yet another site that does that.
The purpose why I want to venture in this niche is because the sites that exist for my country are beyond terrible and are created by non-coders(yet they have no issue with Adsense). Hence, I want to provide a better user experience.