What I'm trying to do is a bit complicated and not sure if possible. Here it goes:
I have one main domain "maindomain.com" which corresponds to an event. Then I have several other domains, let's say "location1.com", "location2.com", "location3.com" which correspond to different locations where the event is held...
The maindomain.com is hosted in a VPS (Virtual Private Server (Bluehost)). I've developed a website ready to display different info depending on the ?loc variable you pass by GET in the index.php. I want the other domains to point to the "maindomain.com", use the index.php?loc=1 (or 2 or 3) but keep their original domain name at the URL bar.
So the tricky part is when navigating within these location domains to keep the permalink clean in the URL bar:
location1.com/section1 --> loads --> maindomain.com/index.php?loc=1§=1
location2.com/section3 --> loads --> maindomain.com/index.php?loc=3§=3
Should I use domain/hosting options and/or .htaccess ??
I think the more specific question is: how do I configure each location domain to point at the main domain where the hosted site is?
azsuperexpo.com/about --> loads --> thesuperexpos.com/index.php?loc=3§=2
--> Having superexpos.com the main domain where the website/database is hosted BUT what you see in the address bar is azsuperexpo.com/about
I want to have one central site which retrieves the info from its database but on the address bar of your browser you will see the different domains with correspondent permalinks to the different sections (loaded via php variables fetched from the database).
I think I will definitely have to use .htaccess to have the urls pretty like the example above. Would masking be an option? I know it's not recommended by search engines but if it's the only option I'm willing to give it a try.
Thanks a billion.