TF = Trust Flow
CF = Citation Flow
DA = Domain Authority
PA = Page Authority
From yesterday, I am stuck to one thing. I am working on my project, and will be doing KW analysis to get some low competition keywords for my niche. And at the same time, I was analyzing the difficulty of my niche. Everything is going great so far except this thing that I don't know which TF CF to consider!
I mean, when you are expecting some authority sites to link you, what TF CF should be considered? Should I watch for TF CF on the page where my site is linked (i.e should I check TF CF of specific URL?)? OR should I check TF CF of the homepage of site (i.e domain's TF CF?).
Yesterday, I was analyzing howtogeek dot com for test. When I searched for its domain TF and CF, I got results like TF: 37 and CF: 46 but when I searched TF CF of one of its URL (article page) then I got results like TF: 27 and CF: 39. I am super confused right now. Which one to consider? Which TF CF is a ranking factor? Is it domain's TF CF? or is it URL TF CF?
If I am getting a link from this domain (www,abc,com) and its domain's TF is 40 and CF is 50. But they included my link in this article www,abc,com/article.html whose TF is nearly 10 and CF is 15. Which TF and CF will google consider for my ranking positions? Will it use domain's TF and CF or URL (article's) TF CF where my link is included.