Can anyone give me an example where the users count will be greater than the number of sessions?


As per Google’s explanation I am pasting some contents from the site which Google gave as example

Here is an example of two sessions from two different users:

Session 1:

User enters to Page A User navigates to Page B User navigates back to Page A End of session Session 2:

User enters to Page C User navigates to Page B End of session Summary

Page A: 2 Pageviews, 1 Session, 1 Unique Pageview, 1 User, 1 Entrance Page B: 2 Pageviews, 0 Sessions, 2 Unique Pageviews, 2 Users, 0 Entrances Page C: 1 Pageview, 1 Session, 1 Unique Pageview, 1 User, 1 Entrance Totals: 5 Pageviews, 2 Sessions, 4 Unique Pageviews, 2 Users, 2 Entrances

In the above scenario the total user count is 2 which is equal to session count. What I am looking for is a scenario wherein the users count will be greater than the sessions.

2 Answers 2


In https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2956047?hl=en&ref_topic=1012046 are well explained two scenarios where users are more than sessions count in a Google Analytics custom report:


Session 1:

User enters to Page A

User navigates to Page B

User navigates back to Page A

End of session

Session 2:

User enters to Page C

User navigates to Page B

End of session


Page A: 2 Pageviews, 1 Session, 1 Unique Pageview, 1 User, 1 Entrance

Page B: 2 Pageviews, 0 Sessions, 2 Unique Pageviews, 2 Users, 0 Entrances

Page C: 1 Pageview, 1 Session, 1 Unique Pageview, 1 User, 1 Entrance

Totals: 5 Pageviews, 2 Sessions, 4 Unique Pageviews, 2 Users, 2 Entrances

In Session 1, Page A gets a session, while Page B does not, because it was not the first hit of the session. Likewise, in Session 2, only Page C gets a session.


When using the Hour dimension A custom report that combines Hour or Hour of Day with Sessions and Users may show more users than sessions for any given hour.

If a session spans multiple hours, the session will only be counted for the first hour, but the user will be counted for every hour the session is active. For example, if a session begins at 8:50 and ends at 9:10, there will be a user attributed to 8 and 9 o'clock, one session at 8 o'clock, but zero sessions at 9 o'clock.

Therefore, 9 o'clock will have one user but zero sessions.


I read about changing IP during session may create 2 different users during one session. This can happen with dynamic ip providers.

I guess there is no other way. Pages always get session, not depending on first hit on not.

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