I've a rewrite rule to convert mysite.com/?lang=en to mysite.com/en, but this now gets me into troubles as the referenced files in the .html are relative to parent folder, and now its supossed to be /en/ instead of the root folder, how could I fix it?

PS: I think it has something to do with RewriteCond, but couldn't find the solution yet.

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers 2


Yes, you can use RewriteCond to only do the rewrite for .html files:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [.]html$ 

You have two solutions:

  1. Write the assets in the source code with relative paths (use ../) instead of absolute paths fromt he root.
  2. Move all the assets in some specific folders, such as images, stylesheets, assets... then use mod_rewrite to rewrite /LANG/folder to folder.

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