I have this code for Schema.org;

<main vocab="http://schema.org"> 
<article  typeof="NewsArticle">

  <h2 property="headline">Wie instaliert Virtual Box in Windows 10</h2>

   <meta property="image" src="Bilder/me.png" >

  <meta property="name" content="Virtual Box" />
  <meta property="mainEntityOfPage" content="http://google.de" />
  <meta property="datePublished" content="2019-03-07" />
  <meta property="dateModified" content="2019-03-17" />
  <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
    <meta property="name" content="http://htmlkurss.xyz" />
     <span property="logo" typeof="ImageObject">
     <meta property="contentUrl url"  src="/index.php/Bilder/Virtualbox.png" title="VirtualBox"/>

  <div property="text">Virtual Box ist eine Virtualisierungssoftware, die viele Betriebessysteme emulieren kann. Sie funktioniert mit Linux , Mac und Windows. Sie hat auch veschiedenene Sprachen für ihre Oberfläche, wie beispielsweise Deutsch, Englisch ,... 

 <span property="author" typeof="Person" >
  <meta property="name" content="http://htmlkurss.xyz" />


With this code , I have no problem with Google Structured Data Testing Tool, but when testing it with validator.w3.org, it gives me these errors:

When I tried the recommendation from validator.w3.org, I got error in Google’s SDTT.

1 Answer 1


The meta element can’t have a src attribute, and if it appears in the body, it must have a content attribute.

If the value is a URL, you must use the link element instead of the meta element:

<link property="" href="" />
  • Thankeeeeeee ! I to do "<meta property="image" content="htmlkurss.xyz/Bilder/Virtualbox.png" />" , now come not problem in validator.w3.org and Google .
    – biotza
    Commented Mar 24, 2019 at 16:06
  • @biotza: It’s still an error, even if the W3C Validator can’t detect it. As I said, you must use link if the value is a URL.
    – unor
    Commented Mar 24, 2019 at 16:07

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