We have our normal website - http://www.MyCompany.comhttp://www.example.com
. We now also have a mobile site - http://m.MyCompany.comhttp://m.example.com
. If a "mobile" user visits my site, we have javascriptJavaScript that detects it and auto forwards them over to the mobile site as well, for proper user experience.
When I use Google's "Am I mobile friendly" tools - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.gwcwarranty.com%2FGoogle's "Am I mobile friendly" tools -, my site doesn't show up as mobile friendly, since it's checking the original site, rather than what is redirected.
How do I "tell" Google, or assure myself that Google is aware of our mobile presence, since (since not having a mobile presence can affect SEO.