Fill it with actual content people are interested in and Google will google, thisshow that. This is the best way. Just using the word 'consultancy' a lot of times will not help, nor will a pile of meaningless keywords.
However, behind the log-in should not be indexed. I would try adding content in front of that, talk about your work, the subject of your app, anything. Why not have a [your app] blog?
Cross-linking is another favourite, if people link to your site the google rankings will improve. But google is good at spotting this and black-listing systematic cross-linkers.
You could always pay google for a promoted record, but this requires budget, and most people automatically skip the payedpaid results at the top of the page.
And the go-daddyGoDaddy thing, this may be a simple question, but have you bought your domain name, if you put the name of your site into the browser, does it appear? It might be that the site is not, in-fact fact online (It might be that it is, but I don't know this), in which case, no search engine will find it.
If your browser and google differ on that, then you just need to wait for the DNS to propogate and your site to get indexed.