Well I think you have good crawler that read the robots.txt and follow directive. And other one that doesn't follow directive.
And how do you plan to give this url? By email, using Facebook or Twitter? All of these services crawl information you send. Gmail parse email you receive to provide ads. So, your url will be somehow crawled.
Some people use the Google Toolbar (or whatever other toolbar from search engine). There is an option (checked by default if I remember well) that allow the toolbar to send all urls you visit to Google. This is an other way for Google to see the hidden web. So even if you told to the person to not share the url, implicitly he/she will (thanks to the toolbar).
I think we can find many other possibilities.
So you might add it to robots.txt but also provide extra meta like noindex, nofollow, etc ..
w3d's suggestion about robots.txt seems good to me. So you mightdon't add it to robots.txt but alsoand provide extrapropre meta like noindex, nofollow, etc .tag.