Who are some of the big names out there (besides Jeff Atwood/@codinghorror, of course) that I should be following as a resource if I want to stay on top of what's new as well commentary on what exists?
Please consider simply editing this question, rather than posting another answer if you have something to add that is not listed here. Additionally, feel free to add descriptions to items already listed.
Twitter accounts:
- @codinghorror
- @smashingmag
- @shanselman
- @scottgu
- @haacked
- @jquery
- @jeresig
- @slicknet
- @paul_irish
- @trentwalton
- @sarajchipps
- @DanEnglishby
- Coding Horror
- A List Apart
- Fabulous Adventures in Coding
- StackOverflow Blog
- FriendlyBit
- Fiftyfoureleven
- Paul Irish
- Code Wall