Possible Duplicate:
What are the best ways to increase your site's position in Google?
How to get Google Search to link to a Query String for your page when no physical page Exist.
I notice when I do a google search for some keywords I get back some website hits that do not match my search criterialink to a physical page but instead redirect me to their search page with my google search terms pre-populated.
For example If I search for anything to do with Salesforce I get back this site http://blog.jeffdouglas.com EVERYTIME.
For instance if I search "visualforce component blog"
In google results One of the 4th or 5th result google results is http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/?s=visualforce+component+blog Even thought that page does not contain my search phrase but instead brings up a list of items that it thinks will match by terms.
How do I do this? Make the google search result link to a query string (dymanic search on my page) Is it via a siteMap entry ? Or something else?