I've just run a Screaming Frog spider against a client's website and it has returned 370 links that are Unsafe Cross-Origin Links. However when I have investigated the links they don't match the description of what an Unsafe Cross-Origin Link should be. They don't have target="_blank"
on them and they all point to internal pages.
Example result:
Type From To Anchor Text Alt Text Follow Target Rel Path Type Link Path Link Position
Hyperlink https://www.example.com/ https://www.example.com/ Example TRUE Path-Relative //body/div/header/div[@id='headerTopOuter']/div/div[@id='logoDiv']/p/a[1] Header
Hyperlink https://www.example.com/ https://www.example.com/ Example TRUE Path-Relative //body/div/header/div[@id='headerTopOuter']/div/div[@id='logoDiv']/p/a[2] Header
What is going on here? Why are they being reported as Unsafe Cross-Origin Links and how do I fix them?