I'm building a single page application and i'mI'm using a client-side routing library to handle urlURL/state changes.
Let's say googlebotGooglebot visits example.com/my-shop-name/menuexample.com/my-shop-name/menu
, the menu-itemsmenu-items for my-shop-namemy-shop-name are loaded dynamically and a urlURL parameter is immediately appended to the urlURL like so: example.com/my-shop-name/menu?top_item=some_item_idexample.com/my-shop-name/menu?top_item=some_item_id
. top_itemtop_item
represents the item in a list of menu-itemsmenu-items on the page that is currently at the top of the viewport. As the user scrolls, this parameter will naturally update as the top-most item changes. The point of this parameter is to remember the scroll position. It should also be pointed out that whenever the parameter is updated in the urlURL, the page never reloads.
My first question is: what urlURL will be indexed?
example.com/my-shop-name/menu or
Secondly, if the latter is indexed, will instructing the web crawlers to ignore top_itemtop_item
as a urlURL parameter in robots.txtrobots.txt
make it so the first urlURL is indexed and the latter is not?