There was what became to be called Operation Aurora which (allegedly) was Chinese crackers breaking into USA computers like Google's.
Google went public with Operation Aurora in 2010. Seems they decided to convert the loss into value by showing efforts of securing their products. So instead of losers they show up as leaders. They needed real efforts otherwise they would have been publicly ridiculed by those who understand.
Google is an internet company so it was critcal for them to reinstall trust in their users about the communication. The plan worked and other corps needed to follow or face their users migrate to google.
In 2013 what came to be called Global surveillance disclosures prominently by Snowden happened. People lost trust in corps.
Made a lot of people consider to go indie and use HTTPS which then caused the recent migration. He and who he worked with gave explicit calls to use encryption explaining that survellience needs to be expensive.
strong encryption * critically high volume of users = expensive survellience.
It was 2013. That said, more recently Snowden told that this is probably not enough any more and you should spend money on people who work on legally strengthening your rights for you, too, so the tax money goes away from the survellience industry.
Nevertheless for the avarage Joe webmaster the long-standing issue with HTTPS was that getting a certificate costed money. But you need certs for HTTPS. It was solved in late 2015 when Let's Encrypt beta became available to the general public. It gives you free certs for HTTPS automatically via the ACME protocolACME protocol. ACME is an Internet draft which means to people that you can sort-of rely on it.