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closetnoc's user avatar
closetnoc's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
1 vote

"Developed by" links from adult sites

1 vote

Is switching topics a viable SEO strategy or will it harm existing ranking?

1 vote

Crawling errors due to encoded URLs - urls are stored in DB table

1 vote

Can backlinks to robots.txt blocked pages boost domain's ranking?

1 vote

Strange discrepancy in map pack listings, anyone else seen this?

1 vote

Is it considered blackhat to show structured data to search engine bots but not humans?

1 vote

Googlebot sends several hundred requests in a minute

1 vote

Does Google limit how much traffic it sends to a domain via search results?

1 vote

How does google treat h1-3's that are styled to be smaller than a lower class of heading?

1 vote

Is it better to start a website with a new domain or an existing domain that had downtime?

1 vote

Will removing a Google Search Console property remove the site Google's index?

1 vote

How can I use cookie-free domains with Microsoft Azure portal?

1 vote

Does backlinking to an IP address affect all domains hosted on it?

1 vote

How to declare canonical tag for home page

1 vote

Will posting on a powerful site with keyword rich links to our homepage help or hurt SEO?

1 vote

Isnt 'Topical SEO' simply a by product of a well structured website?

1 vote

What directory structure is typically used for domains and subdomains on a Linux Apache server

1 vote

Is there any advantage to naming the home page: homepage.php?

1 vote

Tell Google to recrawl external pages whose low quality links to my site have been removed

1 vote

Google DMCA removal - proper way to react to avoid being de-listed from SERP

1 vote

Product information produces duplicate content (SEO)

1 vote

How can I indexing sitemap my website?

1 vote

Is it safe to BAN ASN from Hosting providers?

1 vote

My site title or blogpost title, which should be h1?

1 vote

Is it bad SEO practice to link to hundreds of internal pages on one page?

1 vote

SEO: Can multiple pages have the same h1?

1 vote

Do generic citations impact non local SEO

1 vote

Does the tag "data-n-head" negatively affect seo?

1 vote

Does URL nesting still matter?

1 vote

Will having lots of relevant internal links affect the ranking of pages, and is there a limit?

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