4 votes

Is there a representative logo for Structured Data which can be used on icons?

Semantic Web The W3C provides Semantic Web logos. Here are the versions without the W3C logo: (usage guidelines) But in my experience, these logos are used to represent the concept, they don’t ...
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Error "xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Image is not a known valid target type for the image property"

Google’s SDTT is intended for checking if the structured data meets the recommendations/requirements for Google’s search features (like rich results). These search features make use of the vocabulary ...
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Why does the SDTT tell me that the image field is missing?

The error the SDTT reports is only for getting Google’s Article rich result. If you don’t want to get the rich result, you can ignore the error. For getting Google’s Article rich result, the value ...
unor's user avatar
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SEO schema.org Breadcrumb with display: none?

All three syntaxes make it possible to provide hidden structured data: JSON-LD: The script element is hidden by default. Microdata and RDFa: You can use link/meta elements (which are hidden by ...
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SDTT says "Unspecified Type" for 'name' in <link>

First of all, "Unspecified Type" is not a warning. The SDTT simply states that no type is specified. Why does it do this? Because you are providing a URL value for a property which expects a Text ...
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<meta> for RDFa: "Attribute 'src' not allowed on element 'meta' at this point."

The meta element can’t have a src attribute, and if it appears in the body, it must have a content attribute. If the value is a URL, you must use the link element instead of the meta element: <...
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1 vote

Structured data for chord progression

As of 2023, no major search engines are able to identify musical chords based on structured data. It's best to not bother trying to add specific structured data for musical chords. Interestingly ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
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Missing Element on RDFa

@ Henry Visotski, Thanks, but people help me with the solution... <h2 property="name"> <span class="title">Introduction to Linux</span> <span hidden="">–</span> <...
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How to hide a text value in RDFa?

If you don’t want to display a text value in HTML+RDFa, you can use the meta element: <span property="name">Alice</span> becomes <meta property="name" content="Alice" />
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NewsArticle: "logo.itemtype has an invalid value"

<span property="logo" value="https://schema.org/"></span> This is invalid HTML, the span element can’t have a value attribute. And if it could have one, the logo property value would be ...
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Combining RDFa Lite author schema and rel="author" HTML markup

The rel attribute has two different purposes, which might conflict: Plain HTML: providing a link type RDFa: providing a property (just like the property attribute, but with some technical differences)...
unor's user avatar
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How to represent disease symptoms in Web Ontology Language

MedicalSignOrSymptom is for adding markup to the sign or symptom itself, therefore the name property is the sign or symptom, i.e.: <div vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="MedicalSignOrSymptom"> ...
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