42 votes

How to improve extremely slow page load time on a 23MB web page full of SVGs?

From what you've stated in the comments (now chat), I understand that you cannot reduce the size of these SVG files, you cannot replace them with thumbnails (e.g. small png files), and you cannot ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
24 votes

How to improve extremely slow page load time on a 23MB web page full of SVGs?

I don't think using separate SVG files for the images would be any better because that would take even more time to load because of separate HTTP requests. Efficient handling of linked images is ...
Boann's user avatar
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18 votes

On what specific grounds were HTML Imports rejected, deprecated and removed?

After reading several articles on this, the general consensus is that HTML Imports were redundant, since you need JavaScript to bring them alive anyways (they don't just automatically add themselves ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
16 votes

How to specify publisher in schema.org's Article structured data?

Something like this, though of course other properties are required for this to meet Google's requirements for article features in search results. <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/...
GDVS's user avatar
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11 votes

Will it help SEO to use <strong> tags just around a keyword while making a larger containing phrase bold using CSS?

Don't use strong tags inside an already bolded sentence. It looks spammy. It is something that you are obviously only doing for search engines and not for users. Google hates it when it finds ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
10 votes

How to use more than 1 schema.org schema on a web page

In JSON-LD (instead of Microdata/RDFa) you have to repeat the property and its value for each node. Instead of using a separate script element for each node, you could also use a single script ...
unor's user avatar
  • 21.7k
9 votes

schema.org/Book with multiple authors using JSON-LD

your code contains error, thats why two authors aren't recognized. If you have more then one author, you should add them as list without entity duplication. Here the correct code: <script type="...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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6 votes

Will it help SEO to use <strong> tags just around a keyword while making a larger containing phrase bold using CSS?

That wont make any difference for crawlers only for users when reading, bold/strong is used to mark the "main" point in your text. If you want to assist crawlers you should include your keyword in: ...
John Could's user avatar
6 votes

Figure or Div, which should I use?

In fact, if you use either of them, you will not encounter any SEO problems, but it would be better to use the <figcaption> HTML5 tag for better SEO. Because Google bots recognize these tags and ...
ardacarofficial's user avatar
5 votes

Does html5 picture tag affect SEO?

It won't have a positive effect on your SEO. For search engines, as for screen readers, the alt tag and the on-page caption are the big factors. The <picture> tag is more of a developer ...
Henry Visotski's user avatar
5 votes

Is it okay for SEO to wrap block elements in a link?

Yes, it is fine and even advisable to put block elements inside an a element where appropriate, as long as the browser supports HTML5 (all modern browsers do): The a element may be wrapped around ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
5 votes

How to mark decades and centuries up using HTML5 <time> tag?

The <time> tag is not meant to be used for time periods such as decades or centuries. You should not use it to mark up '70s or 20th century. The documentation for the tag is here. It says that ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

Can I use <link> tags in the body of an HTML document?

This question was asked and answered some time ago, and things have improved a quite a bit since then. You can use <link> tags in the <body> of an HTML document as long as the <link> ...
zgreen's user avatar
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4 votes

How to use more than 1 schema.org schema on a web page

Not looking to be a necromancer, but there was a recent article from someone at Yoast that details problems that arise with using the @Graph type when trying to get Google search to "report" the ...
I Capulet's user avatar
  • 843
4 votes

Will search engine web crawlers see urls that are changed with HTML5 history?

Looks like it. It even looks like Google recommends using pushShate and prefers it over hash bangs.
RolfRB's user avatar
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4 votes

Universal shortened doctype for all mobile devices

The XHTML doctype is for XHTML web pages and, unless you are serving your page as application/xhtml+xml, it ain't XHTML. I'm betting you're not doing that. Writing HTML as XHTML is called "tag soup" ...
Rob's user avatar
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4 votes

How to specify publisher in schema.org's Article structured data?

Schema.org expects an Organization item as value for the publisher property, but you provide a string value ("MyCorp"). If you want to follow Schema.org’s expectation (which is just a recommendation,...
unor's user avatar
  • 21.7k
4 votes

Correct way to use sameAs itemprop in Microdata

If they have visible links to these social media profiles, it’s the best practice to mark up these links, instead of repeating the links and marking up the "invisible" variant: <div itemscope ...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a Microdata version of JSON-LD’s "@id"?

Yes, the itemid attribute (W3C, WHATWG). Example: <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person" itemid="/team/alice#i"> <!-- this person (not the page about this person) has the URI "...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

Can hreflang be placed on the body of the HTML?

Google supports: Link Hreflang HTTP Header Hreflang Sitemap Hreflang Using <link rel="alternate" href="#" hreflang="en-ie" /> within the <body>and not the <head>, testing it in W3C ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
4 votes

Html5 tag video VS Youtube video

Both have advantages and disadvantages. As @Evgeniy said, from an SEO perspective, there is no difference. It is the SEO of your page that includes the video, regardless of its source that is ...
Itai's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I show alt text when hovering over an anchor with a mouse?

Go ahead and use the title attribute my friend! <a href="#" title="hello universe!">Hello Everyone!</a>
Jason Is My Name's user avatar
4 votes

Embedded YouTube videos make my site fail Google's mobile optimization tests

Ok, this was tricky because Google's suggestions are deceitful: Google talks about "clickable elements too close to each other" and "small text", but looking at the screenshot, the problem is that the ...
Sifro's user avatar
  • 181
4 votes

Does having many CSS classes in a webpage affect SEO?

I've never heard of the number of classes impacting SEO. However, having lots of CSS files to download, or large CSS files can impact the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). Additionally, poorly ...
Trebor's user avatar
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4 votes

Responsive Websites <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

The best answer for this is in a Stack Overflow post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61238548/side-effects-of-removing-width-device-width-from-viewport-meta-tag-when-initi Relevant quote (...
Henry Visotski's user avatar
4 votes

Handling # uri fragments as regular requests

Assuming the file that renders your "one-page" site is index.html and your "pages" are /about, /contact and /help that correspond to elements with ids of the same name (less the ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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3 votes

Which is best SEO practice to markup source code on web page?

Nothing special to do here, the code is your content. You mark up your code with appropriate elements, and consumers (like search engines) then can do whatever they want to do with this information. A ...
unor's user avatar
  • 21.7k
3 votes

Does Google's webcrawler follow HTML imports?

I've tested with "Fetch as Google" in the webmaster Search Console. The screenshots show that the imports are being loaded and shown exactly as a normal user would see them. The question still ...
10us's user avatar
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3 votes

Name attribute is obsolete, what is the correct behavior when dealing with anchors?

For HTML5, name attribute is now deprecated, so that means to use id in place of name. Otherwise, everything else is the same. <a> is NOT deprecated.
Sean Tank Garvey's user avatar
3 votes

Do nested <aside> blocks have a meaning for SEO?

The concepts of "Semantic Markup" (as in HTML5) AND "Semantic SEO" (as in Search Engine Ranking) are not as similar as one would initially think -- and that leads to a lot of confusion. When we look ...
elbrant's user avatar
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