6 votes

Deploy IIS publicly when my ISP changes my IP address regularly

The easiest way is to use a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) provider. There are a number available: https://freedns.afraid.org/ https://www.noip.com/ https://www.duckdns.org/
Steve's user avatar
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How can a search engine crawl a dynamically generated website?

Short answer: That PHP code is run on the server before sending the response to the crawler, so by the time the page reaches the crawler, all that info is already populated. For sites written using ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
3 votes

Deploy IIS publicly when my ISP changes my IP address regularly

Talk to your ISP and get a cost for a single static IPv4 address. Depending on their policies, you might be required to move to a "business" grade connection which will cost more but give ...
Criggie's user avatar
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Deploy IIS publicly when my ISP changes my IP address regularly

One method which does not rely on DDNS is implemented by (for example) ngrok, Serveo, and Pagekite. They essentially perform port forwarding over a tunnel to allow users to hit one of their public ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
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Is a dynamic page title tag updated by JavaScript bad for SEO?

I have never actually come across this before. Then again, I haven't been proactively looking. I have had a quick look and came across the below quote, in one of John Mueller's Google+ Blog Posts: ...
Craig's user avatar
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Dynamic content using .append() or .innerHTML() and SEO

Google can render and crawl JavaScript, but it's still better to avoid JavaScript for better search performance. source
TechGeek's user avatar
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How to manage SEO for site with dynamic pages powered by search queries?

This is going to be incredibly difficult for you to achieve. Firstly Google awards valuable original content and penalizes sites which simply contain duplicate content from other sites. Secondly ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
2 votes

Is React based website is search engine friendly

I want to know does these dynamic pages are search engine friendly? Very few technologies are inherently search engine friendly or unfriendly. Google can parse and render JavaScript. However, using ...
Malte Landwehr's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to point my DNS record to the same IP address as another domain?

I assume the following: The router has a domain name associated with it. The router-provided domain name is publicly accessible. The router can port forward requests. In that case, you can add a ...
Kannan's user avatar
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Is it possible to point my DNS record to the same IP address as another domain?

Yes, you can point an "infinite" amount of names to one IP address. Which is exactly how mass virtual hosting is working (there are far more websites hostnames than there are IPv4 addresses ...
Patrick Mevzek's user avatar
1 vote

Will Google deindex pages for adding template content?

If you have duplicate content, then Google will not index all pages. It will use its own algorithm to decide which pages are should be indexed. Changing a few words and inserting a name does not ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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Will Google deindex pages for adding template content?

Interestingly, I have a similar situation blya with my auto portal and one article site, also on cars and there are millions of pages. Find a list of all pages with content less than 500 characters ...
SEO-in TOP's user avatar
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Dynamic PHP Pages

This is beyond the scope of an answer that can be provided here. The short answer is you use PHP (generally) and when someone clicks "lemon balm" it passes the database record ID. This is ...
Steve's user avatar
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Can I use a query parameter for SEO, or do I need to create a URL path for each page?

No one can know for sure how your HTML documents are delivered (unless they have backend access to your server). The URL can give a hint, but there is no guarantee that this hint is accurate. /...
unor's user avatar
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Can I use a query parameter for SEO, or do I need to create a URL path for each page?

The url example.com/places_to_visit_in_new_york can be created dynamically depending on the framework/language your website is based on. This means that you don't have to create separate files for ...
Shahzeb Qureshi's user avatar
1 vote

Will random text and links hidden by CSS around our content to prevent it from being crawled and parsed prevent Google from indexing those pages?

In summary: You created a website that requires human interaction and hides from Googlebot, where questions are answered dynamically, but you want Google to give you a good (SEO) rank? The best ...
elbrant's user avatar
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How to SEO pages with adaptively loaded alternative language on same URL?

If the page is using query strings to define the content, you can tell Google that this defines a 'new page' even if the URI is identical. You'll find this under Search Console. Go to Crawl -> URL ...
L Martin's user avatar
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Dynamic URL generation and SEO

Well, google says they can effectively crawl and index dynamic URLs. Static URLs are known to be better than dynamic URLs for a number of reasons including the following: Static URLs tend to rank ...
Josip Ivic's user avatar
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Does Google still crawl pages with dynamically changing content like news feeds?

If the entire purpose of the page is to display content from other sites (such as a news feed) then you will find that you won't rank highly anyway as you need to have original content of your own. ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
1 vote

Should I block a dynamically generated data results page in robots.txt?

There is no need to block the page in its entirety, what you can do is apply a change to your site so that if no parameters are passed then the site returns a 404 not found error (important this has ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
1 vote

Creating advanced website by redirecting and replacing content from Google Sites

Rather that going down that track the easier and safer option would be to simply define the user editable elements as WYSIWYG editors. This would allow the use to add an remove content as they wish ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
1 vote

Rank organically for content determined by user location rather than by URL

If you want to have this content to get indexed and ranked by search engines, you need to have separate URLs for different content. Googlebot crawls from different countries, but Google doesn't have ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

How does Google crawl dynamic URLs?

If all of the pages have duplicate or very similar content, it will be difficult to get Google to crawl all of the pages, and Google probably won't index them all. You can use rel canonical tags, ...
Michael d's user avatar
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Efficiency of generating a list of pages on the fly

The obvious problem with this is efficiency - every single page load is going to involve reading that JSON file and generating the HTML for the list of pages. The question is rather vague, but if we ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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How can I get Google to index dynamic URLs?

Google will update your descriptions once it crawls the pages with changes. It may take some time for Google to crawl all of your updated pages depending upon how often Google crawls your site. You ...
Michael d's user avatar
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Is there any SEO benefit to having blog post links on home page?

There is very little to no direct SEO benefit. As other have alluded to in the comments, it's more of a UX consideration. Assuming you have a direct path from your home page to the blog entries (...
Henry Visotski's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to submit set of dynamic pages to Google?

It's certainly possible to submit pages like that to Google but, as is pointed out in the comments, it's not at all guaranteed that they will show in the index or benefit you in any way and may even ...
JCL1178's user avatar
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Is there a better way to implement dynamic pagination in javascript for SEO?

Unfortunately, this is not how rel="prev" and rel="next" work. They should be placed on <link> elements in the <head> tag, not on <a> elements. The canonical URL can contain the ...
Theo van der Zee's user avatar
1 vote

How do I see the event label of a dynamic element for Google Analytics?

Does the site use Google Tag Manager? GA Events can be configured in GTM which technically is inserted directly on the page, but may be harder to spot than just viewing the source. Also, you can ...
Erik Berger's user avatar
1 vote

Adwords / Landing Page keyword combinations

Yes you can. In your URL, add something like this to your URL: http://yourdomain.com/landing-page/?key=designers Then use server side script (PHP) to identify that GET variable key and change the ...
Nick Duncan's user avatar

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