Questions tagged [syndication]

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1 answer

What should a shop's products news feed contain?

I'm thinking about integrating some sort of (Atom) news feed into a shopping system, but I'm not sure how to go about it, except that I want the URIs to be the same for each representation (HTML, Atom)...
DanMan's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Using rel=canonical with syndication

I work at a site which allows syndication of content (via API's and data dumps). We are finding that a number of sites which republish our content are appearing higher in Google search results, even ...
Matt Sherman's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it 100% safe to add NOINDEX tag to any duplicate/copy content issues?

Usually I can simply copy and paste content from any blogs to the my blog, and add a no index tag to avoid any duplicate/copy content issues. I have copied above part from popular blog. I need to ...
Damayanthi's user avatar