Questions tagged [page-size]

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16 votes
11 answers

Common optimizations to reduce HTML or XHTML page size?

What are some common optimizations performed to reduce HTML or XHTML page size? Some that come to mind are: removing comments, removing extraneous whitespace, moving repetitive inline styles to a ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Should I use gzip for compressing my HTML?

I saw from an online tester that my HTML can be compressed about 90%! Is it good practice to use gzip or not? I see that lot sites don't use it. For me it would improve traffic, as some pages ...
GorillaApe's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a maximum size that web pages should be kept under?

Posted this on SO before Ben Voigt was nice enough to direct me here. Anywho, here is my question: When I say size I'm talking about bytes not pixels. I'm curious if there is any consensus on what ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Is Angular 6 Universal SEO friendly?

I like to create a friendly SEO web application, so I choosed Angular 6 framework Universal to render pages on server side, that's make my applications pages reachable to Google crawlers. But even if ...
AHmedRef's user avatar
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