Questions tagged [clean-urls]

The tag has no usage guidance.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using Nginx to rewrite a friendly URL to index.php handler gives 404 errors

I am having some issues getting the below to work the way I expect. What I am trying to do is take a url like but have it sent to php with the URI ...
Chris's user avatar
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Ahrefs Orphan Page Error - SEO Friendly Pagination using JavaScript

One of my clients is a Cybersecurity startup company. We are using a custom built theme on Drupal. We have a well-designed internal link building architecture. We have about 600 blog articles. We are ...
Bhargav Joshi's user avatar
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How should I restructure my URLs to make development easier while preserving SEO?

I am trying to fix the URL structure of an ecommerce site that has about 90k part pages. The site has no URL directory structure. Thus, all 90k pages are under the root like ...
Cannon Moyer's user avatar
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After rewriting RoundCube URLs, CSS, JS, and image resource links are broken

What I'd like to do is that I want to make nice URLs for my roundcube pages with .htaccess. For example: RewriteRule ^latest/$ index.php?_action=news&type=latest [NC,L] If I go to this ...
vaso123's user avatar
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If I link to clean URLs based on the page title but redirect to URLS with ids as part of a site migration, is that bad for SEO?

I'm importing stuff from a Drupal site that has a couple of alias URLs: /node/123 /my-alias-node-title My new site is a very simple CMS handmade in PHP by me as a practice. In the new system, the ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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Disallowing a handler in robots.txt while adding its dynamic URLs to the XML sitemap

I'm using ASP.NET webforms, and I have a page lets call it Subjects.aspx, I don't want crawlers to crawl that page but I want them to crawl the dynamic URLs that are powered by it. For example /...
Ali Kleit's user avatar
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How to host a PDF on a Wix website using a SEO-optimised path?

I just created my first website with Wix. I want to add a PDF file to it. Wix suggests to upload the file to the Wix and then add a button/icon for users to open. The problem is, the path to this file ...
Puzzle's user avatar
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How can I fix multiple URLs pointing to a single page using ASP/IIS

I have millions of reports in our ASP website and have changed my URL structure lots of times to make the URLs more user-friendly as per SEO guidelines. Currently I am facing duplicate content ...
Sandhya Nair's user avatar
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Singular vs plural forms for entities in CMS website

Let's say I have a (frontend) website where users can register and post, just like StackExchange, which makes use of a REST API to fetch the data. So the website is located at ...
kataba's user avatar
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Encoding spaces in urls for SEO when hyphens are already present in text

From my research it seems that hyphen - chars are the preferred word breakers in urls in respect to SEO. I'd like to use text in my urls for both SEO purposes and for functionality, consuming the text ...
Gavin's user avatar
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