Questions tagged [architecture]

Architecture encompasses the process, artifacts and high-level structure of a solution.

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19 votes
4 answers

What is good URI design?

How should a good URI be designed? What are the factors to consider? What are the pros and cons of the variants? Factors that makes up a good URI Stability over time Short Give the user an idea what ...
6 votes
2 answers

SEO/Architecture for multiple related websites

My question is two-fold, but first, a short background. I have a client that is a regional franchise for a service company and each physical site has its own domain and the main "corporate" physical ...
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1 vote
3 answers

SEO and HTML semantics of putting H2 above H1 elements?

Here's a hypothetical from both an SEO and semantic HTML/content architecture perspective: Consistent code When building a multi-page site, adopting the following architecture on all pages is pretty ...
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