I'm looking for a way to force SSL and www.

I've been able to force both separately but together I keep running into redirection issues. The following code works when handling a URL in this format: http://example.com and properly redirects to https://www.example.com but when the incoming URL is https://example.com it will not forward to https://www.example.com - Any suggestions?

EDIT: it should also send http://www.example.com to https://www.example.com.

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !127\.0\.0\.0
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]

6 Answers 6


The first line is used to prevent internal URL's from being rewritten. That might cause different pages to be displayed, so I've removed it.

If the host is example.com or is not requested over HTTPS, it will be rewritten to https://example.com/. I.e., it rewrites http://example.com, http://www.example.com and https://example.com to https://www.example.com in one action.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]

Documentation on mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2.

If you've subdomains like forum.example.com, the first rule should be as is. Otherwise, you can do a negative match against www.example.com as well.


Doesn't the third line have to be:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$

Try this:

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !127\.0\.0\.0
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]

You could also use the following lines that I use and work flawlessly.

(Remove the top RewriteCond if you do not use CloudFlare)

RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-Visitor} '"scheme":"http"' [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule .* https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302]

Just implemented this for my site. Works like a charm! Added to the top of my .htaccess file. Redirects all instances of people typing www or not www, http or https.

# BEGIN HTTPS Redirect
RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]
# END HTTPS Redirect

I tested all the suggestions given above, but none covered the whole scenario.

I wanted all the visitors to go to https://www.example1.com/

Some of the codes provided by other users worked to take non-secure and/or non-www URL to https://www.example1.com/, however, none of them covered https://example1.com to be converted to "www" as well.

I have my website hosted with GoDaddy, in case this makes any difference.

This is the code that worked for me:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example1\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example1.com/$1 [L,R=301]

The last line could be also:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example1.com/$1 [R,L]

But I used the code "301" to send the message "moved permanently" in the hope that Google and maybe other search engines will update old links.

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